I Love You, Forever

When I'm in love with someone, I like to tell them.
Through the years, I've told people I love them with notes, gifts, food, cards, and of course, quality time.
Some of those last. I have notes and gifts I've enjoyed for years. Memories return randomly. A moment exists in the present.
This year I wanted to do something different. I want to make it easy for some romantic people to capture how they feel and have it last.
“I Love You, Forever” is a contract that allows you to write a small note expressing how you feel and have it be stored on the blockchain forever. Maybe more durably than any love note ever before.
Very minimal art, and a unique or classic message of your choice is written on the actual chain, and is inseparable from Ethereum itself.
The way you feel right now, will continue to exist, just as you expressed it.
I hope on occasion you look at what you mint today and it reminds you of how you feel right now.
I can feel that right now.